Illuminating your path to impact
Steve ToutProfile Photo

Chief Instigator & Host

Steve is an entrepreneur and iconoclast with a background in cybersecurity startups, enterprise IT, and advisory services at eminent companies in telecommunications, financial services, high-tech, Big Four, and boutique consulting firms. Steve has over twenty years of experience helping organizations build global IT security and IAM solutions that create business value through secure cloud transformation enablement. He is currently the Cybersecurity Practice Lead at ISG and host of the Nonconformist Innovation Podcast, where he has produced four seasons and 40+ episodes on topics including ethics, privacy, data protection, digital identity, GDPR, CCPA, entrepreneurship, leadership, and inclusive innovation. Steve earned his bachelor's degree in IT from the University of Phoenix, is an MBA Candidate '24 at Santa Clara University, and is a well-known speaker and thought leader in the industry on identity and access management and identity threat intelligence.